JD to PhD

My first lawyer job did not work out. As good fortune would have it, I am back at the government job I left to go to the firm. Life is good.

I’ve spent the better part of the last two years dissecting a perpetual pro and con list of life plans. I know what I do not want to do: practice law. I know what I’m interested in: political science, international affairs, sustainable development, environmental policy, food and hunger issues. I know what I like to do: read, research, write, discuss, counsel, guide. I want to be a college professor. I want to study international sustainable development and environmental policy and I want to teach political science.

I’ve been studying for the GRE for a few weeks and looking at programs. I want to stay on the West Coast and financially I can do this only if the program offers funding.

I do not wish to divide my day into 6-minute increments ever again. I don’t want to spend money and time fighting over a line in a contract or exhibits in a rate case. I don’t want to help companies make more money. I want to motivate students…I want to learn more about the world…I want to make this a better place. It is possible to do this as an attorney. But I’m not that attorney. Law school was something I decided to apply for when I was 19-years-old. I don’t regret that decision, but I had no idea what being a lawyer meant nor did I really ever intend to practice.

Lawyering is a fine profession, it really is. I just can’t think of too many things I’d like to do less.

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