State of Play

State of Play

State of Play

I just got back from a free showing of this movie –> “State of Play” based on a BBC Television series and starring Russell Crowe and Ben Affleck.

Actually I thought it was an alright movie.  It was entertaining, held my interest through most of it, and was pretty well-cast.  I thought it would have been better with the final plot twist, but I haven’t seen the BBC series, so what do I know?  If you want to see a really good thriller, watch Tell No One.

My top ten observations about this movie:

1.  Old people love free movie showings.

2. People will wait in line for 45 minutes to see a free movie.

3. The popcorn at a free movie showing is not free.

4. Jason Bateman’s character is the best part of “State of Play”.

5. Ben Affleck remains one of my least favorite actors, although not THE least favorite (I’m looking at you, Nicholas Cage).

6. House of Representatives’ office buildings are not at all secure.

7. There CAN be too many plot twists in a movie.

8. Russell Crowe does not need to sleep or drink coffee.  Ever.

9. Never hide in a parking garage (a lesson learned over and over again).

10.  “Funny People” looks like another hit for Judd Apatow.

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