Category Archives: women

The Working Mom Issue

After letting the Palin pick set in for a few days and after talking to a few Republicans and Democrats I realize, that when it comes to working mothers, many still hold as much resentment as they did when then First Lady Hillary Clinton made that comment about not baking cookies. Coincidentally, I am baking cookies right now. Cookies for lunch and dinner = perfect Sunday. Anyway, I’m sure you remember that comment and how up in arms certain groups were. Well, certain groups of mothers in my hometown in western Kansas anyway. Working instead of staying home to raise children was a slap in the face to some stay-at-home moms. Instead of careers they spent their days shuttling kids to and from school and band practice, and yes, baking cookies.

Now, sixteen years later, and potentially a working mother in the White House as a Republican, this discrimination towards mothers with careers seems to still exist. I discussed this my grandmother who found it difficult to believe a mother with a new baby would even think of running for such a high office. And what about the other children? Will they even see their mother for the next four years? Will they have to move to DC? I agreed, that it will undoubtedly be hard for the family to adjust. However, I did not point out that many men have ran for the high post with small children. In fact, no one has mentioned the fact that Obama himself has two young children. How men handle the work/family balance is simply not part of the national discussion. The irony is that those voters who may have a problem with a working mother in the White House may be the same voters who traditionally vote Republican.

I’d be a terrible stay-at-home mom. I just burnt my second batch of cookies…