Look at Me! I’m sick of politics!

I’m watching the final presidential debate and despite the ten minutes spent devoted to the negative campaigning over the past few weeks (see: Bill Ayers, The Sarah Palin Mob Rallies, ACORN), I’m bored. I’m ready for this campaign to be over. I know how I’m voting and frankly, undecided voters need to decide already: you have two, clear choices. Pick one.

We have three weeks left. Three weeks of increasingly negative ads, three weeks of internet rumors (no, Obama is not a Muslim. But what if he was? Who cares?), three weeks of pandering, three weeks of blah blah blah.

Oregon votes by mail, which I should receive next week. So between now and then I’m going to focus on who I’m going to vote for locally. Particularly, whether or not to vote for Congressman Wu, my district’s democratic incumbent. He voted against the bailout which really frustrated me.

—-Debate Update—-

Now we’re talking about energy in the debate:

Off-shore drilling.

First, read Thomas Friedman’s new book. Off-shore drilling? Drill baby drill? As Friedman points out, no one agrees more with those chants and that energy policy than the Saudis and the middle eastern oil barons we are so desperate to break ties with. Yes, please, let’s drill so that
we can get our oil fix. We’re like heroin addicts who don’t like their supplier so they try to get some from their friend, but their friend doesn’t have very much so they end up having to go back to the supplier.

Second, there is no such thing as clean coal. Again citing Friedman, it’s interesting to note that the swing states in the past few states are mostly coal states – Ohio, Pennsylvania – and coal states aren’t going to vote against coal.

Anyway, Oregon is a fairly solid blue state, so I’m hoping my friends in Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, and Florida vote…and vote for Obama.

Jeff Merkley for U.S. Senate!

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