So, Sen. McCain doesn’t want to debate on Friday. In fact, he wants to suspend his campaign, including ads. The official motivation behind the suspension is to allow the Senator an opportunity to work with his fellow legislators in developing a solution to the current financial crisis.

I appreciate the Senator’s enthusiasm in wanting to work to find a solution to this crisis. I just don’t appreciate that he really thinks I am, as a voter, this stupid. That I can’t see through a strategic, political move camouflaged as genuine concern and leadership for the situation. If anything, THIS IS the time for a debate between the presidential candidates.

I think political maneuvering was the sole motivation behind McCain’s proposal. Well, that and maybe he’s just not ready for the debate.

Completely unrelated to this, but somewhat related to a Facebook debate I was somewhat involved in regarding my hometown of Scott City, Kansas (long story short: the yearly fight to save Christmas has come early this year to SC), and definitely funny:

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